購物滿$400 包順豐
- 如果您的動物有任何特殊情況(例如食物敏感、糖尿病、胰臟或腎臟或甲狀腺問題)歡迎與我們溝通。
- 不建議哺乳期的幼犬和奶貓食用。
- 所有小食不能替代正餐。
- 請勿與其他藥物同時服用,如果您的貓或狗正在服藥,請在餵食小食之前諮詢您的獸醫。
- 請參閱各款小食的成分列表。Please note:
- If your animal has any special condition (such as sensitivity, diabetes, pancreas or kidney or thyroid problems), you are welcome to communicate with us.
- These treats are not recommended for puppies and kittens that are lactating.- Snacks are an add-on, not a replacement for meals
- Do not give simultaneously with other medications, if your cats or dogs is on medication, please consult your veterinarian before giving the treats to your dog.
- For further information please see the list of ingredient.
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